Sunday, January 23, 2011

Medical Records

Sitting at my computer typing away as I contemplate my week in medicine reminds me of the 90's television show Doogie Howser. My screen is not limited to white text on blue, but essentially is the same idea in a different century.

Doogie Howser M.D.

As I type this, the digitized theme song plays in my head, while a young boy with a stethoscope parades around a hospital in an over-sized white coat. When I was younger I thought being in his shoes would have been great. Now learning medicine some 20 years later, I'm glad I had the time to mature and develop an understanding of the challenging subject. The time it takes parallels the lessons learned; unfortunately I cannot put them all in my digital diary.

In one of his journal entries, Doogie writes,
"The best success is usually the one you risk the most to achieve. But tonight I learned that sometimes just taking the risk is its own reward."
I certainly agree that in taking risks we push ourselves to new heights and grow exponentially from the lessons learned. Being involved in the hardest thing I have ever done is also one of the most rewarding. Finally realizing what I had always dreamed has never felt better. For those of you who may have missed Dr. Howser, it's not too late to get your fill thanks to the internet. Watch Doogie Howser M.D.

Question of the Week
A 22-year-old female college student is brought into the emergency room by the police, who found her walking back and forth across a busy street, talking to herself. The young woman appears to be oriented with respect to person, place, and time. Her first hospital admission was two months ago for a similar condition. During a psychiatric interview, she has difficulty concentrating, and seems to hear voices. A phone call to her sister provides the additional information that the girl dropped out of school three months ago and has been living on the street. Urine toxicology is negative. This patient is most likely exhibiting the signs and symptoms of

A. Schizoaffective disorder
B. Schizoid personality disorder
C. Schizophrenia
D. Schizophreniform disorder
E. Schizotypal personality disorder

Answer & Explanation


  1. Nice post! I also watch it sometimes, and I agree in one of his entries that he says, "The best success is usually the one you risk the most to achieve. But tonight I learned that sometimes just taking the risk is its own reward." very inspiring message. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Just saw your Write ups and it title catches my attention. I am also a blogger but newbie. Anyway, this post helps me. thanks! keep it up!


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