We are slowly making progress through the body systems and their related pathologies. Fortunately, the curriculum is set up to permit a significant overlap in material so that most courses are reinforcing concepts of an important nature. This repetitive exposure has been helpful to build working knowledge of how differing subjects can contribute to a comprehensive understanding.
Medical Program
All of our courses, during the second year, relate in some way to the health of the human organism. The learning process at Touro Nevada has been made simpler by combining topics from the multiple courses to coincide with one another to some degree. For example, this week in Pharmacology we covered Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). At the same time in the Clinical Systems course we learned about various rheumatologic diseases that employ the use of NSAIDs to treat symptoms. Additionally, the Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine staff presented lymphatic treatments that could be used to aid in the recovery process.
The combined efforts of each course is to develop a well-rounded understanding of the approach to various body systems. So while studying for one class, I am equally reviewing material for another. The pieces of this "human puzzle" come together quite nicely to paint the whole picture.
Board Prep Question of the Week
A 40 year old female presents to her physician for worsening joint pain. She has had joint pain for many years in both wrists, MCP joints, and PIP joints. Her DIPs are spared. Her pain is always worse in the morning and improves as the day goes on. Lately she realizes both knees also hurt her and she is more tired than usual. Examination reveals her painful joints to be mildly warm and her PIPs are flexed, while her DIPs are extended. Laboratory testing reveals high titers of rheumatoid factor (RF), an elevated ESR and C-reactive protein, and a normocytic normochromatic anemia. Examination of the synovial fluid at the involved joints would most likely reveal which of the following?
A. Clear fluid; 125 WBC/mm3; 20% PMNs
B. Clear-yellow fluid; 1,800 WBC/mm3; 20% PMNs
C. Cloudy-yellow fluid; 6,000 WBC/mm3; 60% PMNs
D. Turbid, purulent fluid; 50,000 WBC/mm3; 80% PMNs
E. Reddish fluid; 1,500 WBC/mm3; 20% PMNs
Answer & Explanation