Sunday, September 13, 2009


Block week certainly took its tole on me. Little sleep, difficult exams, and copious amounts of information culminated in a rather challenging week.


Coming into medical school, I knew the curriculum would be a feat to overcome. The change from undergraduate training to graduate level was no piece of pie, but I learned to cope and make the most of the situation rather quickly. The change from first to second year, however, was a curve ball I was not expecting. From the beginning of this year, we have been running at a sprint just to keep pace. Block week was no different.

I thought by studying in greater detail, for longer hours, from numerous sources that this year's courses would be surmountable. Unfortunately, there was little relationship between the amount of study and the resulting grades, which means I have to review the way I study. I felt that I already made a change for the better this time around, but it is apparent that I review my approach.

Needless to say, this weekend has been a much needed recovery. Catching up on sleep, missed errands and emails has been a great break in the action. It sure is a good thing I like the medicine.

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